Thursday, November 29, 2012

Random Bit Of Script, 1

Since people really seem to like how I write character interractions, here's just a little random disconnected scene I came up with a few days ago at 4am. enjoy

terran on a ship with the crew, he hits on the necral girl. she glares and blows him off, snorting and merely saying "sousshyeh."

he walks over to the necral guy (a lot more fun loving, and this happens)

"Can I ask you a question?"

The necral glanced up at him and smiled good-naturedly. "Sure."

"I was just talking to that girl... and she said something in a language I don't understand. Can you tell me what it means?" He asked, with an unhappy and perplexed look on his face.

The necral frowned slightly. "what did she say?" he asked, gaurdedly.

"Sousshyeh, is what it sounded like." Terran said, and stared as the necral burst out laughing, his whole body shaking, gasping for breath.

After a moment he managed to splutter, "what the hell did you say to her?!" He asked, wiping a tear from his eye with a sharp finger.

"I was only trying to be friendly. I'm the new kid around here, I wanted someone to talk to. She's totally cute, so I dropped a few hints about wanting to get to know her better, offered to make her some dinner and talk." The boy said, his puzzled expression deepening. "what was so wrong about that?"

The necral laughed even harder for a few moments, then managed to get control of himself. "Hang on," he said, and gripped a small black pyramid in his hand tightly for a moment, then looked up. "It means, 'herbavore,' in your language." He explained.

The boy looked blank. "pardon?"

The necral grinned, exposing sharp teeth. "we're carnivores, terran. Figure it out."

The boy stared for a moment, then his eyes bulged in shock. "She... she called me..."

"food!" the necral shouted, and roared with laughter again, banging his fists on his knees.

"She... she called me a hot dog." The boy said blankly, staring at the floor, as the necral struggled to breathe. "Why... what the hell did I say wrong?"

The necral smiled up at him. "nothing, exactly. its who you are. You're..." he trailed off, and stared into space for a moment, then gripping the little black device again. "There doesn't appear to be a translation but something like... rookie?" He tried, thinking it over. "You haven't won any battles, you haven't made any art, you haven't done anything particularly interesting."

The boy's face fell. "but I thought you said in your society, everyone was truly equal."

When the boy looked despairing, he took a small amount of pity on him. "We are, more or less. You certainly have the right to talk to her, and you have the exact same civil rights and priveledges. its just... she thinks you're... unworthy to be given more than that, I suppose? Its hard to explain to an outsider. Everything is based on merrit, on accomplishments, on showing your own value. You haven't yet, at least not to her." He looked at the crestfallen human. "I think you've done pretty well so far. Cheer up!" he smirked then. "and to be honest, male to male? I think she's... gone without for too long. makes her overly negative."

The boy rolled his eyes. "well I was hoping to fix that for her."

The necral laughed again, enjoying this wonderful mix-up. "well, maybe you'll still get your chance. We're not all coldhearted, just... very careful. Some of us are pretty jolly."

"yeah, you seem alright. Why aren't you all grumpy like some of the others?"

The necral grinned. "my job is to go out and meet new peoples, understand them, integrate, learn from them. I spent a long time in Telha space."

The boy looked blank. "The pale girls obsessed with the color white? so what?"

"so," the necral grinned, and for a moment he looked more like a predator. "I made a lot of friends. and I DO get plenty of, eh, 'repair work' done to my negativity, shall we say?" He winked, and the boy grinned sheepishly. "Its not like we're not interested in sex, kid." The necral explained. "We're just very selective and picky and private."

"But you're not?" the boy asked, sitting down in an open chair.

"Like I said, my job is to learn from other cultures. The telha taught me how to loosen up a bit. learn to laugh, learn to play, learn to enjoy things on a more..." he trailed off again, and gripped his little device once more. "More... aesthetically?"

The terran boy smiled. "so the telha pulled the stick out of your ass."

The necral's eyes bulged at this, and he muttered, "I'm... sorry? they did what?"

"Oh, nothing. I know what you mean now." He put his hands behind his head and blew out a long sigh. "got any advice for talking to her again?"

The necral shrugged. "Show her something interesting, not just you. Should help at least."

The boy nodded, and then frowned. "by the way, please stop calling me 'kid,' its insulting. I'm 20 years old, about the same as you two! I'm an adult."

The necral snorted. "kid, not to us. do you have any idea how old she is?"

The boy raised an eyebrow quizically. "I... guessed mid twenties?" he said slowly.

the necral chuckled. "try more like, oh, ten or fifteen times that." when the terran stared at him, he nodded. "its true. we don't age like any other species we've encountered. actually, we didn't really even have a word for 'aging' like you other races do, since once we reach adulthood we just stop growing genetically, just normal cell repair and such."
Sadly, that is all I made. However, enjoy that much. :)

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