Thursday, November 29, 2012

Current Plan as of tonight

I'm only publishing this because friend suggested I do so, but it might be useful to reference later too.

So I'm thinking about the whole 'becoming a personality' thing, and here's my current game plan.

I've pitched a couple versions of "radio drama style (but a comedy) podcast/youtube things" to a few actor friends, and they are excited as fuck.

also, ever since about 6 years old i've been obsessed with radio dramas and audiobooks and similar, so I know its something I can stay passionate about. furthermore, one of my favorite things i can enjoy over and over and over and over and over is Spock vs Q, a radio drama style comedy with, well, spock and q (the characters played by their actors) being clever witty assholes to eachother. its hilarious and clever and i never tire of it.

so, i'm thinking I make some of those. with me as writer and a main character, and my friends as the other characters, and do as many as I can.

I have other friends who work in the comedy business, including one with connections to comedy central network. and frankly, people tell me i'm funny, so I'm thinking I START building my 'personality' with this/these from there, I can be writing stage plays or novellas or other things on the side, and use leverage and fame as influence for sales and attention

but my logic is further fortified by the fact that the most popular wide spread things on the internet are things that are easy to digest (you can listen to podcasts on the go, set as ring tones, share files and links, etc) and that are funny (its funny)


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