Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hell and Joy

Hell. Hell is supposed to be awful, full of fire and demons who will hurt you in however creative a way as the speaker can imagine. However, after a bit of reasoning, this is not so. First, how could I be beaten by demons if I'm dead? Rather difficult to hurt me. Also, I'm dead, just to reitterate, meaning I can't experience time passing, or indeed anything. ...I'm dead.

But what if hell is not a place, but a state of being, indeed, a state of being we can acheive hear on earth as well. Then it stands to reason that my hell will be exactly what I want it to be. Explanation: The darker I go into various fields, the more corrupt I become, and the more I begin to like what I do and experience. Take a drug addict who can eventually become a druglord, killing people. But they like doing this: their version of acheiving 'the good' in life is being the best crimeboss they can be. And by seeing their highest good as something other than The Good, they are effectively in hell, because their good goal has changed from the aforesaid Good to a lesser good, of being a good businessman.

So hell after death would be the same experience as hell on earth for them. They would be exactly what they want to be, because that would be their version of the good. amusingly, they would probably assume themselves to be in heaven.

One fear occurs to me. If I, in my rather odd desire to see just how deep the rabit hole goes, become corrupt, am I aware of the corruption? it would seem I am not, so how do we as humans, full of error, avoid forgetting the good? In my pursuit of the good, I look for the good as seen in other things, and does this distract me from the real good? If my pursuit of the good makes me investigate how evil humans can be, to see the opposite in order that I might see the true good, does that infact show me the real good, or it's opposite? I'd hope for both, in all honesty. But only time, and death shall tell. If I get up after being hit by a bus and i'm in a library, I'm probably wrong. ^_^

So, conclusively, hell is a good thing, a joyous thing, in a manner of speaking, just not the best thing, but rather it is the best thing for you/your perspective. I look forward to death with curiousity after this examination. Who can fear death when it is so interesting? (probably.)

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