Monday, December 10, 2012

A blob of ideas

For future reference, and to get this down in text.

here are a few ideas of things I can do/work on.

"Radio" (actually podcasted or youtube etc) shows
direct stand-up comedy
expand the radio show to be more of a variety thing: make it where guests can do acts or their own material or guest star in skits and in that main comedy series show.
a series of poems, linked together, like "fungi from yoggoth" either political, comedic, fictional or speculative in nature. (probably comedic for most, with the others being a more select grouping.)

in short become a word-entertainer. speeches, radio dramas/comedies, stand up, poems, poetry readings, short stories, acted skits live with friends and recorded for online, etc etc.

i'm personally quite interested in the linked poems idea at the moment. I've always found poetry to be fascinating, and linking a series of them together could be very cool to tell a story or share and observation, etc.

sonnets, perhaps?

limericks while fun sort of imply low-brow.

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